On December 17, 2022, brothers of Sigma Tau participated in Wreaths Across America. Wreaths Across America is a national program that honors veterans with a mission of Remember, Honor, and Teach. REMEMBER the Fallen. . . HONOR those who Serve. . . TEACH our children the value of Freedom. The event was organized by our Immediate Past Basileus, Brother Kendrick Lusk and held at Ft. Bliss National Cemetery in El Paso, TX. Wreaths Across America is held annually at more than 2,500 additional locations in the United States, at sea, and abroad. Brothers came out to honor seventeen (17) of our fallen heroes. Although these brothers have gone on to Omega Chapter their names and accomplishments live on through those who continue to tell their stories. Let us never forget the bridges built by those before us.
Brother (CW4) Chester Alford Brother (SSG) Theopolis Benford
Brother (MSG) Elbert Bowden Brother (MAJ) Andrew Branch
Brother (CW4) James Crouch Brother (LTC) Paul Dickerson
Brother (CWO) William Giles Brother (COL) Dereef Greene
Brother (LTC) Theophilus Hicks Brother (1LT) Jethro Hills
Brother (MAJ) Herbert Kitchen Brother (CW4) William Scott
Brother (CW4) Samuel Smoak Brother (MAJ) Clifford Spain
Brother (MAJ) Sylvester Stemsley Brother (SSG) Charles Watson
Brother (MSG) James Williams
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